Legal Walls are great - but if I know my painting is going
to stay for a longer while it makes me even more excited! Do you
have an empty wall you would like to make more interesting? Don`t
hesitate to contact me and to talk about your idea. Together we`ll
find a solution you like.
Or do you want to organize an event where it will be painted? Do
you want to paint a wall yourself but you seek support? Or do you
have an other project idea we could work together??
In any case; feel free to contact me, I`m happy about every
request! Write me a mail and after first clarifications we can
meet for a coffee and plan the details.
PS: I study visual communication at HGK Basel and I`m also open
for graphic work. You`ll find more to this on my Portfolio
Copyright © 2023, Luisa Viggiano